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Nurse Staffing

Benmax Health Services, LLC is a provider of nurse staffing services. We have a network of nurses whom we can refer to your company.

Nurses can practice in different disciplines including psychiatric nursing, wound care, skilled nursing, IV therapy, among others. Applicants are screened for:

  • competence
  • orientation in their specific field of nursing
  • experience
  • attitude
  • dedication to the profession
  • willingness to be coached
  • reference and background checks

We provide staffing solutions for nursing homes, hospitals, retirement facilities and even private homes. Where a nurse is needed, Benmax Health Services, LLC can provide you with a state-certified professional to meet your needs.

Please send us a message to request for nurse staff for your clinic, rehabilitation center, hospital or medical facility.

Main Office Address
images 11874 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 101
Reston, VA 20191
295 Industrial Dr., Suite A
Christiansburg, VA 24073
6400 Georgia Ave., Suite 12
Washington, DC 20012
Phone: 571-449-3300
images Fax: 571-699-0540